Ambush! Chaos vs. High Elves 6th Ed. Battle Report

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Just Tony
Posts: 238
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:31 pm

Ambush! Chaos vs. High Elves 6th Ed. Battle Report

Post by Just Tony »

As I once again sit at work with scant to do while my machine labors behind me, I rummage through the desk drawers to find a tablet which contains the cliff notes to two of the Battle Reports lost when the site transferred. This is the first of those…

We started out by rolling up Ambush and made the following army lists:


Hero: Exalted Champion – Enchanted Shield, Sword of Striking – 140 points
Hero: Aspiring Champion – Great Weapon, Shield – 86 points
Core: Marauders (20) – Great Weapons, Musician, Standard Bearer – 155 points
Core: Warriors (20) – Shields, Musician, Standard Bearer – 318 points
Core: Warriors (19) – Shields, Musician, Standard Bearer – 303 points
Core: Warriors (19) – Shields, Musician, Standard Bearer – 303 points
Special: Knights (5) – Musician, Standard Bearer – 195 points

TOTAL: 1,500 points


Lord: Prince on Dragon (Level 1) – Lance, Radiant Gem of Hoeth, Vambraces of Defense, Heavy Armor – 549 points
Hero: Commander (BSB) – Battle Banner, Heavy Armor – 179 points
Hero: Mage (Level 2) – Seer, Dispel Scroll – 180 points
Core: Spearmen (20) – Full Command – 250 points
Core: Spearmen (20) – Full Command – 250 points
Core: Spearmen (19) – Full Command – 239 points
Special: Shadow Warriors (7) – 105 points
Special: Swordmasters (19) – Full Command, Banner of Sorcery – 297 points
Rare: Repeater Bolt Throwers (2) – 200 points

TOTAL: 2,250 points

The Dragon Rider rolls Forked Lightning for his spell while the Mage gets Drain Magic and chooses Curse of Arrow Attraction and Fury of Khaine.

Our battlefield and deployment looked as such:

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Ashley’s Chaos army then gets the first turn…


All units move forward at max speed with the exception of the Knights.
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And yeah, that’s his turn. SO glad I paid for that Dispel Scroll…


The Swordmasters reform to face the Knights, anticipating the charge, while the right-side Spearmen reform to their rear. The Shadow Warriors move out of the woods while the Dragon flies up to the Marauders. Finally, the Mage’s Spearmen wheel toward the Marauders as backup if the flame job fails.
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The Banner of Sorcery lends 3 dice to the pool. The Dragon Rider casts Forked Lightning on the Knights and nets two wounds, which the Knights promptly save. The Mage suffers a Miscast while trying to cast Fury of Khaine and rolls an 11, which costs me a level AND FoK. Meanwhile Curse of Arrow Attraction on the Marauders fails to cast.

In the Shooting Phase both Bolt Throwers open up on the Marauders killing 8 of them while the Dragon breathes Fire and consumes 4 more. The Marauders fail their Panic test and flee 10”. The Shadow Warriors, not to be outdone, manage to kill 1 Chaos Warrior.
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So this started out pretty slow, with a little probing and a bit of lucky decimation dislodging the Marauders. A bit unlucky as I lost one of my vital spells right off the bat. I’m set up for some charges but I don’t think it’s going to be smooth sailing at all…

Turn 2 CHAOS

The Chaos Knights declare a charge against the Swordmasters who Hold in response, and the Marauders then Rally. All Warrior regiments move ahead full.
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Two Swordmasters fall to the blades of the Chaos Knights while one of their number is pulled down by the vengeful elite Elves. The magic of the Battle Banner gives me 1 (!) point of Resolution and the Knights fail their Break test, Fleeing 12” with the Swordmasters pursuing 3”.
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I’ll go ahead and remind people of how little 5-man cavalry charges turn out like people on the web claim they did.


The Dragon Rider charges the Marauders who pass their Terror test and Hold. The Swordmasters charge at the fleeing Knights, causing them to flee a further 9”. The Shadow Warriors and the Spearmen near them charge the Warriors unit in close proximity, who Hold in response. The Bolt Throwers pivot to acquire targets, the Mage’s Spearmen reform to face the rear, and finally the last Spearmen unit stands firm.
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Forked Lightning whiffs on a unit of Warriors while Curse of Arrow Attraction was out of range.

The Bolt Throwers loose volleys into the Warriors but can only manage to kill 1.

In Combat the Dragon Rider kills 6 (!) Marauders with nobody being able to respond. The Marauders then Flee 9” with the Dragon Rider pursuing 10”, wiping the Marauders out as their pursuit roll contacts the Knights forcing them to flee a further 10” and off the board.
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The Exalted Champion issues a challenge which the Spearmen Champion accepts, but winds up whiffing his attacks. The Spearmen and Shadow Warriors only manage to kill 2 Warriors between them. The Exalted Champion finishes the challenge by killing the Spearmen Champion with 2 Overkill wounds for good measure while the Warriors manage to kill 2 Shadow Warriors. All said the Warriors wind up winning by 1 (!) and the Elven units pass the Break tests forced upon them.


Wow. One corner has been cleared while another corner is packed in a desperate combat that I can’t seem to win. Magic is being a non-issue despite having no real opposition. I still outnumber and technically outpower, so the key is to remember my objectives and stick to the plan. Such as it were…


The Center Warriors flank charge the Right Spearmen who pass their Panic and Hold. The Left Warriors charge the Left Spearmen who also Hold.
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The flanking Warriors whiff all their attacks, the Exalted Champion kills 3 Spearmen, and the right Warrors kill 4 Shadow Warriors. After that slaughter the Elves can only manage to kill 1 Warrior from the Right Warriors regiment. The Chaos forces EASILY win this combat and the Spearmen flee 7” while the Shadow Warriors flee 9”. The Chaos forces give chase with the Center Warriors pursuing 6” and the Exalted Champion’s Warriors pursuing 8”, wiping out the Spearmen. The Shadow Warriors are down to 1 man who will never rally and cannot affect the battle anymore, so I scoop him.


The Chaos Champion kills the Spearmen Champion with 1 Overkill wound to boot. The Left Warriors kill ZERO (!) while the Spearmen manage to kill ZERO (!?!) in return. The Chaos Warriors win the combat and the Spearmen break and flee 6” with the Warriors pursuing 10”, finishing them off.

The Left Bolt Thrower fails its Panic roll and flees 5” away from the destruction.


Proximity to the fleeing Bolt Thrower crew forces a Panic test on the OTHER Bolt Thrower crew, which they promptly fail and flee 9” away from the first fleeing crew. The first fleeing crew then rallies (!?!?!?!?!??!). The last Spearmen regiment reforms to face current threats while the Swordmasters turn 180 degrees and move forward 3”. Lastly the Dragon Rider flies in toward the main battle line. Such as it were…
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Forked Lightning, the ONLY other thing I can do than move this turn, kills 1 of the Left Warriors.


Alright, what the HELL just happened to my left flank?!?!?!!?!?!!? Not even that, but now my fire support is compromised potentially beyond repair and I no longer have a numerical advantage. This fight just went from focused to desperate…


The Left Warriors take this time to charge the fleeing Bolt Thrower crew who flee a further 6”, which is not enough to get out of charge range and they are wiped out. The two remaining Warrior units move away from the High Elves.
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The Mage’s Spearmen charge the Aspiring Champion’s Warriors who Hold in response. The Bolt Thrower crew moves up and mans the closest abandoned Bolt Thrower, so are unable to fire. The Swordmasters move ahead full while the Dragon Rider flies up to an unengaged Warriors unit to burn it.
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Forked Lightning is cast on the Exalted Champion’s Warriors, but it fails to wound successfully.

The Dragon Rider burns 4 Warriors to death, but they easily pass their Panic test.

CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!! My Mage accepts the Aspiring Champion’s call to single combat!!! Why the Hell not, at this rate?

Both the Mage AND the Champion whiff completely. Amazing. The Spearmen kill 1 Warrior but lose 2 in return. The Spearmen BARELY pass the Break test and the Warriors lap around.


Alright, so the advance was at least stymied a bit here. I don’t really have much else to add other than an attempt to consolidate my forces and renew the assault isn’t exactly working…


The Center Warriors reform, the Exalted Champion leaves the unit, and the Right Warriors move to the corner.
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In combat the Mage whiffs his attack, to the shock of NOBODY at the table. The Aspiring Champion lands 2 wounds, killing the Mage. The Warriors then kill 5 (!) Spearmen who can only kill 1 Warrior in return. The Spearmen Break and flee 4” with the Warriors pursuing 4”. D. E. D. DED.


The Dragon Rider charges the Center Warriors who Hold after needing their reroll to pass their Terror test. Meanwhile the Bolt Thrower pivots again while the Swordmasters hold their position.
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A long time ago I had a conversation with Ashley about targets of opportunity, stating that if I ever saw one of his characters out of a unit that I would drop lightning on them or hit them with a hill or trees, or whatever indiscriminate spell I had at the time. Guess what? This battle I gave him a reminder. Forked Lightning is successfully cast on the Exalted Champion, who then eats 3 wounds and dies with a sickeningly lout POP.

The Bolt Thrower kills 4 Warriors, not enough to cause a Panic.

In combat the Dragon and Rider only manage to kill 3 models with none done in return. They lose the combat by 1 (!) but pass their Break test.

SO with the Chaos forces gaining 1124 victory points compared to the paltry 490 earned by the High Elves, there can be no doubt as to the winner here.

The Knights turned out the be the least scary thing on the Chaos side as I simply bounced off of that armor. Any time I hear someone say masses of sword and board Chaos Warriors aren’t a viable army I will show them this BatRep…
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