Reddit Hook-Up 2: Electric Boogaloo! 6th Edition Battle Report

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Just Tony
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Reddit Hook-Up 2: Electric Boogaloo! 6th Edition Battle Report

Post by Just Tony »

So this one is a long time coming. My brother got a game in vs. a poster I met on Reddit named Hector, whom I couldn’t manage to get MYSELF down to the store to play against so I enlisted my brother’s help. This is one of his fairly shorthand battle reports, and I’m pasting it in its entirety. Such as it were…

Beastmen vs Lizardmen – 2,000 points

Pitched Battle (I assume…)


Lord: Doombull – Mark of Nurgle, Heavy Armor, Slaughterer’s Blade – 276 points
Hero: Bray Shaman (Level2) – Mark of Nurgle, Staff of Darkoth – 206 points
Hero: Wargor – Mark of Nurgle, Chaos Armor, Crown of Horns, Great Weapon – 144 points
Core: Minotaurs (3) – Mark of Nurgle, Light Armor, Great Weapons, Bloodkine – 172 points
Core: Minotaurs (4) – Mark of Nurgle, Light Armor, Great Weapons, Bloodkine – 221 points
Core: Beast Herd (9 Gors, 6 Ungors) – 2 Hand Weapons, Foe-render – 87 points
Core: Beast Herd (9 Gors, 6 Ungors) – 2 Hand Weapons, Foe-render – 87 points
Core: Bestigor Herd (23) – Mark of Chaos Undivided, Full Command – 306 points
Core: Tuskgor Chariot – 85 points
Special: Centigors 95) – Gorehoof, Throwing Axes – 110 points
Rare: Dragon Ogre Shaggoth – Light Armor, Great Weapon – 306 points


Lord: Slann (Level 4) – 4th Generation, BSB, Plaque of Dominion, Diadem of Power, Plaque of Tepok – 490 points
Core: Temple Guard (16) – Musician, Champion – 293 points
Core: Saurus Warriors (20) – Musician, Standard – 258 points
Core: Saurus Warriors (20) – Spears, Musician, Standard – 298 points
Special: Kroxigors (4) – 232 points
Special: Kroxigors (4) – 232 points
Rare: Salamander Packs (3) – 195 points

Beasts win to choose side, have lizards deploy first, and to go first.

Beasts Turn 1
Whole army moves full or close to full.

Magic- 1 spell cast and not successful.

Lizards Turn 1
Left side (saurus spears and saurus HW shield) move forward 8”. Salamanders move 6” forward to shoot. Right side (Temple and 2, 4man kroxigor units) move forward about 4”.

Magic- D3 rerolls from Heavens cast successfully (this was cast successfully all 4 turns).
Conflagration of Doom causes 19 hits and kills 9 bestigors! Bestigors flee into difficult terrain.
Comet dispelled.

Shooting- 2 skinks eaten on misfire. No wounds caused from salamander shooting.
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Beasts Turn 2
Centigors and Chariot charge Spearmen unit.
Minotaurs w/ doombull charge HW shield unit.
Shaggoth charges temple guard.
Minotaur unit (4 man) and 2 herds move forward.
Bestigors Rally

Magic- 8+ Fireball from Lore of Death takes 2 wounds off of minotaurs.

Combat- Chariot and Centigors win combat, but Spearmen pass test.
Mino’s and Dumbull demolish HW shield unit. They flee and are caught and killed.
Shaggoth kills several, but still loses combat. Break test passed.

Lizards Turn 2
Kroxigor unit flanks Shaggoth
Kroxigor unit charge right side beast herd.

Magic- Conflagration Irresistible force. 21 hits! Cast on left side herd.

Shooting- 1 skink eaten on misfire. Several shots on left side herd. Herd panics and flees. They are down to 2 men, so they never rally and are removed.

Combat- Kroxigors cause 3 wounds on Shaggoth. He loses but does not flee.
Spearmen and centigors/chariot exchange wounds, but combat ends in a tie.
Kroxigors demolish right side herd. They flee and are caught.

Beasts Turn 3
Mino’s (4 man) rear charge kroxigors.
Bestigors wheel out of difficult terrain.
Doombull unit reforms toward temple guard.

Magic- Miscast. Roll of 4 on chart. Lizards get a free spell of equal value. The fireball is dispelled from the one remaining power dice.

Combat- Shaggoth dies, but we decide Krox and Mino’s remain engaged while Temple guard can be unengaged. (All break tests were passed).
Centigors and chariot flee. Chariot is caught and killed.
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Lizards turn 3
Kroxigors turn toward bestigors.
Spearmen charge fleeing centigors, sending them further away.
Salamanders move toward doombull unit.
Temple guard reform toward doombull unit.

Magic- Conflagration scores 16 hits on doombull unit.

Shooting- Salamanders shoot doombull unit. Between the magic and shooting, all but one minotaur is killed. Doombull is still alive from the unit.

Combat- Kroxigors killed by Minotaurs.
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Beasts Turn 4
Minotaurs and Doombull sandwich Temple guard.
Centigors Rally
Bestigors move toward Kroxigors.

Magic- nothing passes.

Combat- Run lose, run, and are caught- DED Dead.

Lizards Turn 4
Kroxigors charge bestigors

Shooting- Salamanders shoot mino’s, kill one.

Combat- Kroxigors lose, run, are caught and die.

Game called.

Looks like the Beastmen had the Lizardmen's number this time. Looking forward to responses.
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Re: Reddit Hook-Up 2: Electric Boogaloo! 6th Edition Battle Report

Post by TinyLegions »

Play-by-play is always better first hand, but looks like you are right. The beastie boys had their number.
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