Teaching Report - Breakthrough! Lizardmen vs High Elves 6th Edition Battle Report

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Just Tony
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Teaching Report - Breakthrough! Lizardmen vs High Elves 6th Edition Battle Report

Post by Just Tony »

Miracle of miracles! So it turns out that one of the lost Batreps from my brother was indeed still in his sent box in his email. I once again point out that he typed this up and I am doing a copy/paste job to log it in.

Fair warning for the incoming brevity…

Battle Report: Elves vs. Lizards - Breakthrough
Uncle vs Niece

We both made a 2000 pt list.
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We rolled for mission and got Breakthrough. After reading the objective, we realized a problem of both of us spending way too much on characters. Mission involves getting 667 pts of attackers into defenders’ deployment zone. Characters and monsters do not count. We realized it would be impossible for her and barely possible for me, so I became the attacker as Lizards. We didn’t care enough to change the mission.

Elves won choice of side. Lizards won choice to go first and went first.
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Elf Mage- High Magic, Drain Magic, Curse of Arrow Attraction, Fortune is Fickle

Skink Priest- Second Sign of Amul, Forked Lightning
Slann- Mistress of the Marsh, Fiery Blast, Fireball, Dark Hand of Death, Master of Wood

LT1: C. Skinks deploy 13 in away from Elves. They move forward to shoot bolt thrower. Saurus move forward 8 in. Skinks move 12. Skink chief moves forward to get into charge range of Bolt Thrower. Temple Guard Forward to protect Kroxigor flank. Kroxigors forward to get advantage of hill as they will be charged by Silver Helms/Dragon eventually. Skink priest deployed in woods and hides like it is his job.

Magic: 1 reroll from Second Sign. Fireballs kill three archers.

Shooting: C. Skinks kill left bolt thrower crew.
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ET1: Spears charge C. Skinks. Stand and shoot kills 5 elves. No panic.

Magic: Curse of Arrow Attraction passed with irresistible force on Temple Guard.

Shooting: Archers get all 11 hits on Temple guard, but only wound 1 and it is saved. 11/12 Bolt thrower shots hit Temple guard, but only 3 wound (all but 1 save). Lucky Lizards.

Combat: spears kill 8 C. Skinks. Flee 9, but Spears test to restrain and pass.
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LT2: Skink Chief Charges bolt thrower. I gave him Cloak of Feathers magic item specifically for this. First time trying this. All else move forward.

Magic: Fiery Blast scrolled, Dark hand dispelled, Fireball kills 2 Cav, M. Wood gets 5 hits on Cav, but all saved. Second sign gives 2 rerolls.

Shooting: Skinks kill 1 Bolt crew with reroll.

Combat: Skink Chief kills Bolt Crew.
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ET2: Prince Imrik, special character, sounds magic horn to allow rerolls for all leadership based tests this turn. Cav and Dragon Charge Kroxigor unit. Basically, if the Kroxigor unit doesn’t make it to the deployment zone, there is no possibility of Lizards winning. Silver Helms fail fear test, but reroll due to Imrik’s horn.

(IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE- My oldest son is named after Imrik, but spelled Emrik. My wife is not nerdy, so I did not tell her where I got the name from until after he was born and it was on the certificate. Otherwise, she would have said no. Thug Life.)

Fear test is passed and this is the decisive point of the battle. Lizards would have probably pulled off the win otherwise. Kroxigors hold and pass Fear. Spears charge Saurus warriors. Hold reaction.

Magic: Cube of Darkness. 4+ rolled. Still 100% on this 4+ roll in my history of gaming. Magic phase shut down. 2 lizard dispel dice saved into next turns power dice. (Diadem of Power)

Shooting: Archers kill 2 skinks. Bolt kills 3 skinks. Panic passed.

Combat: Imrik and Knights cause 11 wounds. Kroxigor kills 2 knights. Flee 6. Cav pursues 10. Imrik restrains. This is game over. Saurus Warriors kill 1 spearmen. Spears kill 2 lizards. Battle Banner only gets a 1. Fight ends in Tie.

LT3: Chief charges archers. Skinks charge Bolt Thrower. Temple guard move 8 in forward.

Magic: Fireballs kill 2 Silver Helms. Pass Panic. (remember slann can draw line of sight through skink priests). No shooting.

Combat: Spears wound 2 lizards, but both saved. Battle Standard bearer killed. 1 spearmen killed. Break test failed. Elves flee 5, pursued 7 and caught. Skink Chief kills one archer. No wounds back (tie). Bolt thrower crew (1 elf left) killed by skinks.
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ET3: Dragon and Cav move toward Temple guard.

Magic: All dispelled. Shooting: Dragon burns 2 Temple guard.

Combat: Chief kills 1 archer. Archers do 1 Wound on Chief. Chief passes break test.
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LT4: Units move into deployment zone.

Magic: Reroll spell dispelled. Fireball kills one Silver Helm. Fiery blast miscast. Miscasts ignored by 4th gen Slann.

No Shooting.

Combat. Skink kills 2 archers.
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ET4: Cav and Dragon Charge. Terror Test Passed.

Magic: all dispelled.

No Shooting.

Combat. Chief kills 2 archers. Archers flee 7 and are caught (9). Mage caught in pursuit as well. Dragon and Cavalry kill 7 Temple Guard. Stubborn Leadership passed.
Game Called. We already knew it was a loss a while ago, but played until there wasn’t much left to do.
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As always, I look forward to hearing feedback...
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Re: Teaching Report - Breakthrough! Lizardmen vs High Elves 6th Edition Battle Report

Post by TinyLegions »

The name of your son gave me a chuckle. Watch him only want to play Dark Elves if he is interested in WFB. Two different breakthrough games and both had the same results. It makes me want to look at that scenario once again. Hopefully you have a new convert in your niece.
Your Benevolent Dictator

The random musings of TinyLegions: https://tinylegions.blogspot.com/
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Just Tony
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Re: Teaching Report - Breakthrough! Lizardmen vs High Elves 6th Edition Battle Report

Post by Just Tony »

She's played several games against Ashley but now has a job that conflicts with Classichammer night. We're trying to work it out for a Sunday sometime.

And it's Ashley's son, not mine. Joy saw that go down and basically googled any name I sent her way. My shot was dead in the water before I even tried...
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