Dark Elves taking way too long

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Dark Elves taking way too long

Post by Alarantalara »

Around 2006 or so, I started collecting Dark Elves because I'd tired of playing Beastmen and I didn't enjoy my brief foray into Lizardmen. I think I painted a unit of crossbowmen, a bolt thrower, some shades and a sorceress before stopping playing Warhammer entirely (I picked up the army books for Beastmen and Dark Elves in 7th edition, but I don't think I ever used them for a game).

Then, in 2019 I bought some paints to fix up a large sculpture that had broken and make it look new again. I wanted to paint again, so I got out all the models I'd collected but never assembled or painted and got started. I took this picture in early 2020, with my newly painted Lokhir and the start of some critical units like spearmen and witch elves.
2020.jpeg (1.77 MiB) Viewed 1044 times
And then I stopped, only to start up again about a year later because I wanted to play some games. Unlike with the beastmen, this time it was painted or nothing to play. Certainly not the half-assembled ungors I ended up playing at one point. Painting thus progressed rapidly, and I was able to play 2000 point games after about 6 months, with everything completely painted. At which point everything seemed to slow down again, though diversifying into painting models for Cursed City and more lizardmen for my son didn't help.

But I'm still going through the pile of models I had from before the break and the fancy new ones from after and I'm now here.
2024.jpeg (3.18 MiB) Viewed 1044 times
There's still more in progress, I've got 50 or so more models in varying stages of progress (for instance, I have 18 black guard, not the 6 in the image). Even so, I thought it would be nice to take a moment and just enjoy what is finished. It's why I wanted the painted only approach this time. Without the demands of weekly games in stores, I have the time.
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Re: Dark Elves taking way too long

Post by TinyLegions »

Tell you what, that is a story as old as the hobby. My pile of shame fills up a closet right now. Looking good so far. Keep at it, and remember a collection is never really finished.
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