Contrast paint

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Contrast paint

Post by PalmerC »

How may of you have started to use contrast paint?

I have resisted any impulse to try contrast paint. Until recently have had zero interest. Over the years I have enjoyed practicing painting and developing painting styles with I guess more traditional methods and am still happy with those. However I have acquired a couple of boxes of 6th edition chaos warriors and the models do not excite me too much to paint them, but I have a lot of them to paint so I decided I will try out some "slap chop" with Citadel contrast paints. I also looked into some of the other brands that are now available but think I will go with the GW ones for now. Still going to paint my other chaos models and characters the normal way but think this could be a good way to paint the warrior block to a nice TT standard.

Your experiences?
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Re: Contrast paint

Post by TinyLegions »

You really need to learn how to use them and it starts from the primer on up. I tried using them more or less as a wash and it did not come out well at all. I highly suggest that you view a couple of reputable painters on YouTube and see how they do things. When done well it looks good, and I have seen some in person from someone who figured out how to use them well.
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Re: Contrast paint

Post by PalmerC »

Yeah I typically would watch a tutorial on youtube and use a test model. I have heard the GW Contrast can dry quickly and leave brush streaks if not done properly. I can appreciate it's it's own thing to learn I am not terribly frightened though :D Guess we will see....
Jonathan E
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Re: Contrast paint

Post by Jonathan E »

I've been painting with a lot of glazes over grey primer for the last thirteen or so years anyway, so it's not a radical departure for me. My current 40K army is all done with Liquitex ink that I think behaves pretty similarly to Contrast (i.e. streaks and pools a lot but is self shading, especially with a couple of layers), Perhaps when I run out of those I'll give the Citadel brand jollop a go.
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