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Post by Thoric »

Hail, Fellow friends!

Do you know wich one of these videogames "looks" more like the tablegame: Total War Warhammer or Warhammer - Mark of Chaos?
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Re: Videogames

Post by Jonathan E »

Total War: Warhammer by a country mile. Turn the unit sizes down (accepting that certain spells, heroes, etc. are going to be much more destructive, as their damage output is tuned for the big units of around 100 that are the game's default) if you want a closer-to-tabletop experience, and if you also want to be kind to your PC. (Total Warhammer 3 in particular is a processor-ruining beast of a game - increasingly complex environments to render and all the rigmarole of settlement battles really make it chug on my seven year old desktop.)
If you're wondering why I'm like this, give this a read.

It's not canon. It's not lore. It's fluff. It's marketing copy to sell toys. Don't take it more seriously than it deserves.

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Re: Videogames

Post by Thoric »

Hello, Jonathan!

Thanks for your advice. I will buy the game.

P.S. I am curious. What do you think is the ideal unit size? (in the table game my infantry blocks are 25 dwarfs each, the shooting units 10 each)
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Re: Videogames

Post by TinyLegions »

I don't know about Jonathon, but I would say that the unit size depends on the weapons used and the army. For most missile troops, I agree with 10, and maybe go up to 12, but not much more due to maneuvering.(You are kind of stuck with 20 goblins in your bow unit) I think that anything over 10 for calvary (Bretonnian is the exception) is getting a bit unwieldy but still doable. The more that you add however the more unwieldy it becomes, likewise a larger target.

Close Combat Infantry can have more range on this, but again it begs the question, what are they armed with, what is the army, and what is their purpose. Main line units should be able to max their combat resolution, so that is 4 ranks deep and 4 wide, so minimum of 16, but I have never had a unit not get casualties from magic or shooting. With that I recommend taking at least 20 for a main line unit, and the more flimsy the more bodies. So my Dwarfs may deploy in a 20 or 25 block, but my Goblins deploy in a 30 block minimum. This includes any characters as well. Great weapons have some more variety in how they are used, so I may take them as a detachment of 10 to a full block of 20 depending what I want to accomplish. I only used 10 miners in my miner unit and they were not bad.
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Re: Videogames

Post by Jonathan E »

Thoric wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:40 pm Hello, Jonathan!

Thanks for your advice. I will buy the game.

P.S. I am curious. What do you think is the ideal unit size? (in the table game my infantry blocks are 25 dwarfs each, the shooting units 10 each)
Depends very heavily on the army you're using. I think for Dwarfs you're about right, but let me show you some calculations for other armies.

Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings?

My units have a maximum size cap, presumably because huge Skeleton units just will not ever die and those canny GW lads wanted to let people at least try and score Victory Points off them. I like to start the game with bigger line infantry units than my opponent so I know I'll outnumber them and break them automatically through fear if I can just squeak out a slight win in combat. I also don't like to waste my spellcasting on adding to my existing units in most cases - those dice should go on decisive play, raising new disposable units and moving them around to disrupt the lines or throwing out aggressive spells to remove nuisances. And finally, I prefer to play at 3000 points where I have the luxury of breathing room.

All of this adds up to "chase the cap" - I often field units of 30 Skeletons or 25 Grave Guard. Even my Knights might show up in a huge 12 man block if they're going to go down the middle as a hammerhead (or if I'm playing Sylvania and I'm only allowed one unit).

Chaos, though? Hordes thereof?

My old army was very heavy on Chaos Warriors because they had a cheap (in British Pounds Sterling) plastic kit years before the Marauders did. Chaos Warriors are too expensive (in points) to field in deep blocks - you pay a premium for those fighting stats so you want to get as many of them into contact and swinging as possible. Same with the Daemonettes I added later on to give me some slightly faster flanking infantry. 6 wide, 2 deep, you're not there to win by stacking up your own numbers but by taking away the enemy's numbers through flanks and killing.

Which TWW title did you end up going for?
If you're wondering why I'm like this, give this a read.

It's not canon. It's not lore. It's fluff. It's marketing copy to sell toys. Don't take it more seriously than it deserves.

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Re: Videogames

Post by Just Tony »

I shouldn't even reply to this thread. I have yet to try total war: Warhammer because I don't have a PC strong enough to push it, and I absolutely adore Mark of chaos.
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Re: Videogames

Post by Thoric »

Hello, Tony!

We are exactly in the same situation. I asked to a friend of mine very competent. He said my laptop barely meets the requirements.
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Re: Videogames

Post by Paheej »

Total War: Warhammer is the best Total War and Warhammer game ever made - 100% try it out. If you have a particular faction you like play the game where they are first introduced to get started.

Mark of Chaos is good but has no where near the depth or replayability.
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Re: Videogames

Post by Just Tony »

I think the MOC replay ability for me comes from being able to set up skirmishes between forces that normally wouldn't be able to fight each other in the campaign.
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