Capture! Dwarfs vs. Chaos Warriors 2,000 point 6th Edition Battle Report

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Just Tony
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Capture! Dwarfs vs. Chaos Warriors 2,000 point 6th Edition Battle Report

Post by Just Tony »

Originally posted on 5-30-2021

That time again…

So, we rolled up the scenario “Capture” on the random scenario generator and rolled with it. The gist is that there’s an area/item in the center of the board and the only way to win is to have control at the end. I don’t have my book as I type this out, so I’ll circle back and fix this line about the objective later.

Here’s Ashley’s Dwarf list:
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And his Dark Emissary rolled these spells:
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Yeah, I could’ve typed it out. I didn’t. I figure this little bit of time I save could leave me time to type out other germane items.

I wrote my list on the fly once Ashley showed up at the house. I knew he was bringing Dwarfs, and that was it. I figured “Hey, no mages. I don’t have to waste points on dispel scrolls!”


Anyway, here’s what I came up with:

Hero: Exalted Champion – Chaos Armor, Shield, Hand weapon, Gaze of the Gods – 132 points
Hero: Aspiring Champion – Battle Standard, Banner of Wrath – 155 points
Hero: Sorcerer (Level 2) – Skull of Katam – 180 points
Hero: Sorcerer (Level 2) –Power Familiar – 180 points
Core: Warriors (19) – Shield, Full Command – 315 points
Core: Warriors (19) – Shield, Full Command – 315 points
Core: Warriors (18) – Shield, Full Command – 300 points
Core: Knights (5) – Full Command – 215 points
Rare: Chaos Giant – 205 points

TOTAL: 1,997 points

For spells the Skull of Katam sorcerer got Flaming Sword of Rhuin and Fiery Blast, while the Familiar Sorcerer got Dark Hand of Death and Drain Life.

Deployment went as such, with most of the armies pointed at the objective. As I put down the Knights, I jokingly told my brother “Well, that’s game.” We had a good chuckle at the internet’s expense.
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The roll for first turn easily goes to Ashley, who seizes the initiative.


The two regiments on my left flank of the board move forward 3 ½”, ensuring the Knights can’t pull a Turn 1 Charge. The rest of his army moves up full speed, which sends the Fenbeasts way forward of the main battle line.
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Bolt of Dark Light kills 1 Knight while Fog of Death is dispelled.

This is kind of weird. A Dwarf army has no shooting phase…


Every Warrior unit in my army charges a Fenbeast with all Fear tests passed, notably the Death Sorcerer’s regiment needing the Undivided reroll to pass theirs. The Knights move up 5” to line up charges either direction next turn, but definitely a little more aimed at the Miners as they’re the squishiest of the available targets. The Giant moves up full speed to set up a potential assist charge later.
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The Magic Phase sees the Dwarfs letting Flaming Sword of Rhuin through, while Drain Life is failed to cast.

The Fire Sorcerer and his unit do 2 wounds to their Fenbeast with no wounds back in return. Unbreakable sees the combat protracted.

The Exalted Champion/BSB super unit does 3 wounds on their Fenbeast with 1 in return on the BSB. Unbreakable. I have a feeling that’s going to get a bit old really fast…

The Death Sorcerer and Warriors completely whiff all their attacks, and for their troubles the Fenbeast lands a wound on the Sorcerer himself! Despite being modified down to a 6+ save, the Sorcerer passes it, and Unbreakable does the rest.


The Dwarf Lord’s unit charges the flank of the Fire Sorcerer’s unit which passes its Panic test. The right flank Dwarf Warriors charge the Giant with all relevant Psychology passed. The left flank units reposition in a V shape leaving me forced to get flanked if my Knights charge either unit while the Dark Emissary leaves the unit to head toward the back field.

Clever girl…
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Bolt of Dark Light lands 4 wounds on the now 4-man Knight unit, and I save 3 of them. Panic is passed. Elemental Healing on a Fenbeast is dispelled, and a dispel attempt at Flaming Sword fails.

CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Dwarf Lord calls out the Warrior Champion, who accepts and after all is said and done dies to the 1 wound caused. All other Chaos models whiff their attacks, and the Fenbeast again fails to wound the Fire Sorcerer as the one wounding hit is again saved on a 6+. Even with the reroll from the BSB the Warrior regiment breaks, fleeing 6”. The Fenbeast pursues 8”, wiping the unit out. (This also dispels Flaming Sword, for the record. If you can’t pass dispel rolls, jump up and down on the Wizard.) The Lord and Hammerers pass their test to restrain, as the Exalted Champion’s unit passes its Panic test.

The Exalted Champion, furious over losing a quarter of his army to one flee roll, kills the middle Fenbeast.

The Death Sorcerer and his unit fail to wound the right flank Fenbeast, and the Sorcerer is wounded once for his trouble. The Fenbeast is still quite Unbreakable. Sigh…

The right flank Dwarf Warriors fail to wound the Giant, and the Giant decides to Jump Up And Down. After passing the Fall test 7 wounds are caused. The unit needs 7 to pass their break test and roll a 7.


The Knights start the turn by charging the Miners who hold, and the Exalted Champion’s unit charges the Slayers, who also hold.
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Drain Life is dispelled, ending the magic phase.

The Knights kill 2 Miners with no wounds in return, meaning the Knights lose combat and they promptly pass their break test.

The Exalted Champion and unit kill 5 Slayers, eliminating any attacks back. Unbreakable, though…

The Warriors and Death Sorcerer score 2 wounds on the right flank Fenbeast, deflecting a wound on the Sorcerer on a 6. STILL Unbreakable.

The Giant passes its fall test and proceeds to wound 8 Warriors but 1 passes their save. The Warriors break and flee 5” with the Giant pursuing 7”.


The left flank Warriors flank charge the Knights who pass their Panic and hold. All other unengaged units reposition themselves.
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Elemental Healing is dispelled and Bolt of Dark Light fails to wound the Giant.

In combat the flanking Warriors cannot get through the Knights’ armor. The Knights are able to kill 2 Miners but lose 1 of their own in return. They then break and flee 12” while the Dwarfs restrain.

Exalted Champion and his unit kill 4 Slayers with the last 1 failing to hit. Unbreakable sees the combat continue.

The Death Mage’s Warriors do 2 wounds to the Fenbeast, killing it.


The Knights rally, the Death Sorcerer’s unit reforms toward the battle line, and the Giant moves up toward the Dark Emissary.
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Drain Life kills 2 Slayers but fails to wound the Fenbeast or Hammerers.

The Exalted Champion and unit kill 3 more Slayers, but the Slayers are able to land the 1 wound necessary to kill the BSB. STILL Unbreakable.


The Dwarf Lord and Hammerers flank charge the Exalted Champion’s Warriors, who pass their Panic and hold.

The Dark Emissary moves up past the Giant while the remaining unengaged Fenbeast moves up toward the battle line, and finally the left flank Warriors move toward the Chaos Knights while the Miners sidestep to get clearance to head back to the objective.
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Betrayal in Death nets the first miscast of the game. WOOT! I hope for an exploding Wizard but what I get is 1 wound with no saves at all. Oh, well. Saves me dispel dice that I use to block Bolt on the Death Sorcerer’s unit.

The Dwarf Lord issues a challenge which my Exalted Champion graciously accepts. The Exalted Champion sustains 2 wounds while the Lord sustains 1. That could have gone better…

The Hammerers kill 1 Warrior, the Warriors kill 2 Slayers, and Slayers kill 1 more Warrior. The Break test goes quite poorly for me as I fail and roll a 5 for my Flee distance. The Slayers only roll a 4, giving them a pursuit of 3”. BONUS!!!!!!!!!! The Hammerers however roll an 8, leaving it a 7” pursuit that wipes the Champ and unit out and slamming into the Death Sorcerer’s Warriors. It’s funny that his original intention was to have the Hammerers test to restrain…


With no real options, my Knights charge the left flank Warriors who hold, and my Giant repositions.
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Drain Life fails to cast. Bleh…

The Knights kill 1 Warrior while losing 1 of their own. They Break and flee 5” with the Warriors pursuing 6”.

The Lord issues a challenge that the Warrior Champion accepts, resulting in a dead Champion with 1 Overkill bonus wound. The Hammerers dole out 1 wound to the Warriors, which is saved. The Warriors, enraged, strike out and land absolutely no wounds. Yep, you guys get what’s coming next…

Break test is failed with a flee move of 5”. And the Hammerers? 5” to pursue, wiping the last possible scoring unit out.

So that is game. I called it there as the only thing I could possibly do is get my Giant into combat, which could have potentially wound up with a complete tabling.

Now, didn’t somebody say that Dwarfs in 6th couldn’t win without using the 6.5 book? We use the first book exclusively.
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