A note on subject titles.

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Site Admin
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:46 pm
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A note on subject titles.

Post by TinyLegions »

Whenever anyone is on a general discussion board, and specifically in the "Specialist Games" board, if you can please add a heading that tells us which game you are referring to, I would appreciate it. What I mean is something like the following:

[Necromunda] or [Necro]

I is not a problem now, but if it becomes a problem, that is a good sign. I will try to use my admin power to make any changes that I see fit to the titles only. So please don't get offended if I change the subject titles.
Your Benevolent Dictator

The random musings of TinyLegions: https://tinylegions.blogspot.com/
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